Moment 10

I had a bit of an adventure on my third trip down to Antarctica. I was flying in January instead of the normal October time frame, so it was snowing in Denver. My flight took off a couple of hours late. I arrived in Los Angeles just a few minutes before my connecting flight was supposed to take off. I had made this connection before so I knew roughly which gate it would leave from. I made a run for it, but when I arrived there was no one there. All the gates were empty, none had anyone working at them. I went to the departures board, but the flight was no longer on it. I went back to the gate and there was someone working there. I was at the right gate and the plane had not taken off yet, but they had already disconnected the jet-way. The attendant went out of his way to reconnect the jet-way and get me on the plane. I had to walk the entire length of the plane (747) with everyone staring at me as my seat was in the last row of the plane. Wow, is that a long plane. My bags could not run as fast as I could so they did not make the connection with me. I arrived in Christchurch on a Saturday around noon and flew down to McMurdo the next morning. There was a distinguished visitor (DV) on the flight. I think he was a congressman. Soon after we took to the air the flight crew discovered a loose panel, so we turned around and landed. They fixed the problem, but then we had to refuel. The end result was that we wasted two hours, which meant that I missed dinner in McMurdo. The only food for the day was the airplane boxed lunch. My bags arrived in Christchurch while I was flying to McMurdo. There was not another flight to McMurdo for two days, so I was without my luggage for a total of about four days. Fortunately I had planned ahead and had my toiletries and a change of underwear, socks and a shirt in my carry-on bag. It took me a total of 57 hours from when I left my house until I was in McMurdo. I think that might be a record. Of those 57 hours 24 were spent flying, 1.5 driving, 13.5 waiting in airports, and 18 for sleep and myself.

Looking down on McMurdo from Observation Hill
Looking down on McMurdo from Observation Hill

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