I am off again on a new adventure. On the 21st of this month I will leave for Antarctica. I am leaving earlier than originally planned because I will be spending about two weeks in Christchurch, New Zealand to work on the computer software that I have been working on here in Denver for the last few months. They are currently using it there, and I will be helping train them and figure out what enhancements they will need in the future. I am looking forward to exploring around on my off time. I will get to the 'Ice' on or about October 5th. Dates are approximate in getting from Christchurch to the 'Ice' due to weather and availability of space on the flights. I will be getting off the 'Ice' sometime in February.
My address down in Antarctica will be:
Alex Kiefer
Antarctic Support Associates
Box 700
FPO AP 96601-6010
If there is a chance I plan on making it down to the South Pole. There is a chance, how big of one I don't know, to make it there because the program I am working on is going to be installed there. Just for information, the program I am working on is designed to track all of the cargo that goes down to Antarctica. It is a complicated process, and through me experiences I have found no one who understands (or has accurate knowledge of) the entire process. This has made my job harder, and has kept me on my toes when they come up with some weird thing that they neglected to tell me about before. They keep asking "Why doesn't it do this?" And I reply that 'I don't read minds.' So, while I am in Christchurch I will extract from their brains, willing or not, the information I need to make the program work the way it should. This is the exact reason I need to go to the South Pole to install the program and talk to the people there about it.
When I get off the 'Ice' I plan on stopping in Bali, Indonesia for a couple of weeks on the way back to the States. It will be a stark difference from Antarctica. It should be a good vacation.
Sorry about this being a form type letter, but i am short of time and have many people to notify of my new temporary address. I am giving up my apartment while I am gone, so I will have another new address when I get back here. Well, that's about all for now. Talk to you later.